What is better than having Team Leader and a Senior Developer with 21 years of experience in your team? When they are the same person



My name is Martin-Pierre Frenette

and I have been creating and inspiring success in my career, while leading others to do the same 


My Resume

Martin-Pierre Frenette – CTO, Team leader, Certified Scrum Master and Senior Backend Developer with 26 years of experience

by | Jan 30, 2019


Career summary

  • Led and managed a team of up to 6 developers to successfully deliver on time and within budget over 100 major projects between 2001 and 2017.
  • Built a successful Web development company from 0 to 9 employees while being profitable for 14 years in a row
  • Became a renowned expert at salvaging failed projects others were unable to complete, often under pressure and with very short deadlines
  • Expertise in full stack technologies based on JavaScript and PHP, as well as REST APIs, Python, TypeScript and C#
  • Has optimized, merged, created and fixed MySQL and MSSQL databases of all sizes, some with over 50 million records, notably in the Fintech and HIPAA world
  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM 1)


I managed a team of up to 6 developers while running my own company, training and inspiring them to achieve success while ensuring project delivery.

At Platform.sh. I was the first team leader to lead two teams: The USA and the Europe teams) simultaneously.

I believe in Agile development and I am notably a Certified Scrum Master


Morale AND company culture builder

Everywhere I work, I try to increase morale and inspire people to achieve greatness with great positiveness and a cheerful attitude.

I also try to improve company culture by adding to the exciting cultural initiatives or by building a cultural framework where one is absent.

For example, at Fiska, I introduced a bi-weekly board game lunch where up to 10 of the 12 employees participated, and began creating a culture of eating together at lunch time.


project management

I have managed hundreds of projects to completion, often managing not only junior developers working under my supervision but also developers from external firms working simultaneously on a project.

I ran SCRUM meetings and working in Sprints (personally, I find that 3 weeks sprints are optimal, but I can work with other intervals)


PHP Coder

I have been coding in PHP since early 2001 and built tens of thousands of sites using pure PHP or various CMS systems such as TYPO3.

I typically code using OOP and still follow the strict TYPO3 coding guideline which ban the use of inline HTML (using ?> and <?php inside a file), single line statements (if, while or for without brackets) and global functions and variables.

I have built many MVC applications using various frameworks/CMS such TYPO3 ,Fat Free, Symfony, PhalconPHP and CakePHP, in addition to custom made systems.


MySQL professional

Ever since I took an advanced SQL class at McGill University, I have been obsessed with Databases! I implemented the first SQL databases in my first job fresh out of college and never stopped working with SQL.

I have expert knowledge of MySQL and advance knowledge of MSSQL, having worked notably with custom triggers.


Javascript and jquery developer

I have almost as much experience with JavaScript as with PHP as I believed in Full Stack development before it was a thing: I was building  JavaScript enhanced PHP application already in 2002 and 2003!

I mainly used JQUERY as a Framework since both TYPO3 and WordPress relied on it for the longest of time have I have built amazing JQUERY-UI applications.

I also worked on a few projects with ReactJS


Technical and user support

Almost at every point of my career I was also tasked to handle some level of customer support, either internal (the employees of my clients) or externals (the end users themselves).

I have learned patience with non-technical users and how to properly talk to them without being condescening or sarcastic.



I spent the first 14 years of my web development career working almost exclusively with TYPO3.

This made me the developer who wrote a world record  number of TYPO3 extensions (over 1850) and the most experienced TYPO3 developer in North America (on the day I stopped building TYPO3 websites in 2018).

 I was also the 2nd TypeHead nominated (head of a Country for TYPO3 affairs, including Marketing of TYPO3) and remained in position until the program was disbanded.

I integrated over a thousand TYPO3 templates.


You can recognize a senior developer at his (or her) ability to quickly change and adapt to new languages and/or frameworks.

At Fiska, I was thrown into C# and quickly began the developer modifying the most lines of code in their C# payment software while keeping the connectivity to the Symfony based REST API backend.



I have used git for CD/CI deployments for years, notably using Gitflow and Github.

I even built for previous employers custom git tools to help new users navigate the complexity of using Git in a multi-user environment.

Complex merges, cherry-picking, pull requests and squashing merges hold no secrets for me.



At Fiska, I worked on a Symfony REST API back-end based on JSON:API. I improved the quality of the back-end by added new endpoints, new functionalities, input validation notably based on custom validators.

I had however, worked on previous projects made with symfony!


test driven development

I have executed a few projects using the test driven development method including with the World Council of Church for an almost year long project of vital operational importance!

I have worked hand in hand with QA engineers to help automate tests based on Testrail and Jenkins


fat-free Framework

Mainly in 2017, I built a few websites applications using the Fat-Free Framework, notably using its MVC module.

Google chrome extensions

While employed at EmpowerDB, I build their Google Chrome Extension which features dynamically refreshing tabs via AJAX, persistent timers for tracking tasks and a full overview of the current state of the company.

RESt API Servers and clients

I have built dozens of solid highly used REST API servers, most of which are still in use today for business critical operations!

Of course, I also wrote REST API clients, but which developers didn’t?


In addition to these three Frameworks, I worked with Drupal 6, CakePHP, PhalconPHP and many custom made Frameworks built by the various clients I have worked with.

I have notably worked with Git, Jira and ZenDesk.

In fact, over 20 years of development have put me in touch with too many technologies to be able to enumerate them all! Should I mention the extensive dynamic PDF creation projects I built or the numerous XLSX import and export tools I created for clients?

What about database synchronization systems including a live backup solution that allowed to roll back a database to any previous transaction?



TYPo3 experience

Longest TYPO3 Experience in North America

Most experienced TYPO3 developer in North America with 17 years of experience (at least, when I stopped building TYPO3 websites in 2018).

TYPo3 experience

Most TYPO3 Extensions

I built over 1850 extensions, the world record.

The reason for the high count is the strong belief in Object-Oriented and Domain Driven designs: each extension should perform a specific task so a single project might require 30 to 50 extensions built over the course of a month or two. 

education achievement

Three college awards

Graduated college in Computer System Technologies with 3 awards: Best student of my college 2 years in a row, and best of the Province

About Me

I’ve Been Leading Teams Professionally for 17 Years, and coding full-time for 21 years

Clients and Employers from over 33 countries have trusted me to be a leader during those 17 years to solve their problems, including prestigious clients such as Groundhog.org. the World Council of Churches, the Ministry of Justice of Québec, the Muscular Dystrophy Association Canada, Universitas Financial and the Société des Transports de l’Outaouais.

  • PHP Development
  • Javascript development


  • Team leader since the early days of his career
  • 12 years of project management experience
  • 17 Years of PHP Development
  • 17 Years of JavaScript Development
  • 20 Years of Professional Coding 
  • 17 Years of TYPO3 development including:
    • Over 1850 Extensions (world record)
    • Thousands of integrated templates
  • 6 years as Typehead for Canada
  • 3 years at the start of my career as a Windows developer
  • 17 years of experience with MySQL
  • About 3 years of experience with MSSQL
  • 2 years of Experience with the Jet Engine
  • Years of intermittent Git usage


    • System Analysis and Design,
      McGill University (1998-2001)Evening classes for a Continuing Education Certificate. Top 5% of class
    •  Computer System Technologies 
      Lionel-Groulx College (1988 – 1989)
      Graduated first of class


3 achievement awards:

  • Only student to ever win best of college for my program twice,
  • best of the province from the Ordre des Technologues Professionel

TYPO3 Certified Intergrator for Version 4.x

 Acclaimed Speaker at the T3CON12 TYPO3 conference in Québec city, presenting the virtual tt_news system.



Ready to know more?

just call me at 1877-FRENETTE or 438-968-3282 (GET-YOU-DATA)
My Resume